Information on Gynaecomastia: Forum Klinik Köln (Cologne)
Gynaecomastia means evolution af a breast in a male. We distinguish true and false gynaecomastia, depending on the amout of fat or glandular tissue present. In true gynaecomastia (mainly glandular) a preop hormone analysis is mandatory. If there is a hormonal imbalance, medical drug treatment is available.
In false or not hormonally induced gynaecomastia (by far the most frequent) surgery is to be considered. If possible, treatment is accomplished by suction or a combination of suction and skin lifting. Sometimes a gland has to be removed additionally by an open approach.
Surgery after gynaecomastia needs a lot of time until the permanent result is acheived (6 months to 1 year). The skin shrinking process cannot be accelerated and will take its time. Smaller secondary corrections are quite frequent, as well as haematoma and seroma formation after surgery. The least amount of problems is seen in those patients that only received liposuction treatment. However, liposuction alone will not work for all.
We kindly invite you to schedule a consultancy appointment in the Forum Klinik Köln (Cologne).